Sometimes You Just Have to Take a Deep Breath

I had been on a good streak of my anxiety not bothering me, but it acted up toward the end of last week. There was no impending doom, and I was still able to go about my daily routines, but it was me overthinking things and spending too much time in my head. It can feel pretty lonely, though, like these dark clouds are just hanging around me, fogging up my better judgments, and making me think the worst.

I’m feeling better today. Yesterday I got out of the house, and my parents and I took our dogs for a walk since it was about 40 degrees and sunny out. It would have been a good day for a run, but I wasn’t going to go for a walk and a run. But it was nice to breathe in the air. I also spent my Sunday afternoon watching a Red Sox spring training game. NESN has been showing the weekend games, which is nice because I’m home to watch them. It’s just calming to watch the game, even though these don’t count. Spring training games bring the hope that warmer weather and better things are coming.

I’m incredibly tired of winter, and I’m not sure if the cold and dark weather is putting a damper on my mood. I always feel better once spring comes and the weather is better. I read more outside, and I’ll definitely be going for runs.

Since my anxiety hasn’t been as bad as it used to be, I’ve sort of forgotten my coping methods. There is one that I use to calm myself down, but I need to find ways to either distract myself or change my thoughts so that I can focus on what’s in my control or what’s actually real and not just things in my head.

I’m hoping this week is better, and I can get back into a good routine.


  1. Have a better week, Becky!! Winter is totally just dragging and it’s taking its toll. Do you think you might have a little bit of seasonal depression? It affects a lot of people I know and the end of February is usually really bad for them.

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      • Yeah it’s possible you might have a little bit of it? I know February is my worst month. It’s so cold and grey and it affects my mood a lot.

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  2. Hey Becky, I’m with you. Let’s hang in there, both of us, together. May I suggest more beer? Haha. Just kidding.

    Seriously, I have anxiety issues too. As I’ve gotten older I think it has gotten worse for me but at the same time I have found plenty of coping strategies, as well as medicine. Don’t discount meds to improve your brain’s chemistry. When you struggle in those times of “overthinking things”, just think of that as your performing self-therapy. I remember one time I was really struggling. It lasted hours or even a full day (this was years ago) and I just couldn’t figure out what was bothering me. Eventually, by thinking it through I performed what I call “self-therapy”. I finally figured out the problem and then was able to work to fix it. It was underneath many layers of other stuff. The other, original, stressful stuff wasn’t the problem. I finally figured out the REAL problem and then felt so much better, as if I had sat on Freud’s couch all day and played the role of both parties, doctor and patient. It was fulfilling. I worked through it and came out better.

    Maybe consider viewing it through that lens. Also, consider seeing a therapist who can prescribe you medicine that might ease the anxiety.

    Good luck Becky!


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    • I get inside my head a lot, and that’s what makes things worse. I get stuck on one thing and then everything seems to spiral out of control. I try to rationalize with myself the problem, if it’s something I can control, and what I can do to make things better, similar to what you did. I’ve been on medications for ~six-ish years; it’s something I take daily to keep everything under control, but every once in a while I get a flare up.

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  3. I hope you’re starting to feel better! I think it must have something to do with the weather, because my anxiety has also been acting up something awful. Luckily I have no plans this weekend, so I’m hoping I can relax and hopefully make my brain chill out. I’m glad spring training is helping you to feel a bit better though. 🙂

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    • I can’t stand New England winters. It probably won’t be warm until April. It’s snowing/raining here today, and I’m so over it. I got a lot of stuff done yesterday and make a to do list, so that helped, and this week doesn’t seem as busy as last week. I hope you’re having a good weekend!

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