Baseball Update

This post is about a few weeks overdue, mostly because May turned out to be a wicked busy month, and I can’t remember the last time I watched an entire baseball game. (Definitely think my baseball fan card should be taken away.) So here’s just a little run down of the stuff I know that’s happened, plus some yelling thrown in.

The Diamondbacks Have Yet to Use Their Own Bullpen Cart

The team brought it back—or rather created one—for the D-Back’s 20th season, and I love weird baseball stuff, so I’m on board for this. But no D-Back relief pitchers have used it yet. The Washing Nationals took advantage of it in the middle of May, with about four pitchers using it throughout the series—a series that the Nats won, and I’m not going to say the bullpen cart had anything to do with it, but…

I’d like to know why the team created its own cart if its own players aren’t using it. That just seems stupid.

Apparently, the Tigers Have a Bullpen Cart I Didn’t Know About?

The Jays John Axford rode into last night’s game on some golf cart in Camerica Field that had flames painted on the front. (This was pointed out to me by Paul over at The Captain’s Speech.)

This is super underrated, and I feel like the Tigers can afford a better cart than that. Al Aliva, look into this please, now that you’ve stopped signing and trading your own son.


Speaking of the Tigers, the team now has the Rally Goose after an actual goose flew around the field during a rain delay and ultimately ended up flying into a scoreboard. So the team got one of those fake hunting decoy geese, and it hangs out in the dugout now:

The Red Sox Are Making Horrible Life Decisions

The world’s scrappiest player, Dustin Pedroia, came back this season from off-season surgery was was set to start playing last weekend. So Dave Dombrowski decided, hey, let’s designate Hanley Ramirez for assignment, just because.

That was a sucky birthday gift for me, since it was announced on my birthday. Yeah, Hanley wasn’t hitting as well as he could have been, but there are probably other players he could have DFA’d. Or why not send someone down to the minors to make room for Pedey?


It was announced today that Pedey’s going BACK on the DL, retroactive to May 30, for left knee inflammation.


I Haven’t Attended to my Fantasy Roster in Weeks

I feel like not checking my fantasy roster is like not checking on a Tamagotchi or those Nintendo Dogs in the DS video games. I wonder how they’re all doing now.

I get notifications that so and so isn’t playing today, but I feel like I’m so behind already that it’s not worth it. Or someone give me motivation to at least check in on my roster.

Other Miscellaneous Items:

  • White Sox pitcher Danny Farquhar threw out out the first pitch at last night’s game, his first apperance since being admitted to the hospital after suffering a brain hemorrhage in April.
  • The Mets batted out of order in the beginning of May, because Mets Gonna Met.
  • The Blue Jays Russell Martin may very well end up playing every position this season. Why? Jury’s still out.
  • J.D. “Just Dingers” Martinez currently has the most home runs in all of baseball.


  1. I’ll take some responsibility for your fantasy team, I’ve been meaning to do a wellness check. On the bright side, your team has gained 4 points in the last 2 days and you’re not far behind the person ahead of you in a lot of the categories.

    Liked by 1 person

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